What do marketing plans consist of?
Marketing plans consist of essential components and research is the backbone of any marketing plan. It’s also helpful to understand competitor analysis, current metrics and positioning within the market. [...]
Marketing plans consist of essential components and research is the backbone of any marketing plan. It’s also helpful to understand competitor analysis, current metrics and positioning within the market. [...]
Results from marketing plans will depend on the sector and industry that you're operating in and the investment that you make in our services. There’s a multitude of reasons [...]
The cost of our marketing plans can vary depending on what you would like to include. For example, if you decide on a number of our services to best [...]
Yes. If you have noticed that your closest 2-3 competitors are bossing it online and you want to find out exactly what they're doing to achieve their success, we [...]
Yes, of course. Your business is very unique and has a set of values, goals and objectives that are completely different to even your closest competitor. Therefore, we will [...]
Yes we do - we’re always looking to create useful and valuable content for everyone to enjoy! On our website we have a whole page dedicated to this: https://funkyvibes.co.uk/podcast/
Yes and we love this analogy to explain. Would you drive to an unknown destination without a map or GPS? Probably not. Similarly building a plan or ‘roadmap’ to [...]
Yes we do - a mixture of both can often provide better results as we look to reach as many potential customers as possible. As well offering the latest [...]